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Ye Olde Virtual Reality Dev Blog #3

This week everyone was focused on getting their models, rigs and animations completed. I however was also trying to figure out how to layout the tavern, as some of the minigame team leaders were coming to me with different layout designs that we could possibly do. One of the team leaders, Shawn came to us wanting to extend a portion of the tavern where his minigame is supposed to be, if we were to go with a square design for the tavern. I talked about it with Hayden and we were a bit iffy if the tavern design would look too good if we did that. Because we didn't have a HUB team we decided to make one, I would be leading it along with Eric and Phil. We would be in charge of figuring out the layout for the HUB and making it in the Unity project.

This week we were also still working on the documentation, there were certain sections that had not been completed yet and I had to hound down several people to complete their sections. We were working on the documentation way longer than we should have. I also feel like we could have shortened the documentation as it was cutting into our working time on the models and other work. If individuals hadn't finished their models by Thursday, they would of had to of worked on it in their own time. From what I saw there were numerous people who hadn't, myself being one of them. I had started working on a human model only for us to later talk about using one model as a template and everyone else working around that template, meaning the model I had been working on became useless. I had started working on messing around with Phil's template model however I found that there were some weird things going on with the model in Maya.

So I ended up going back to the model I had created and started to work on it more, I decided to make a lady, whom I've named Big Berta. She'll be a miscellaneous patron in the bar so once I'm done with the model I'll do a simple bone rig for her and make a simple animation, as Aeisha and myself still have to do all of the textures for all of the models for the game.

On Thursday everyone in the project finally got access to the Unity project so teams could finally start working on their minigames. Personally I would of liked for us to get access to the Unity project a lot earlier, as I feel we don't have enough time to get the game to the polish I would like for it to have. We still have a lot to work on the project, there's still a lot of models that need to be completed as well as all the texturing, it's a lot of work for everyone involved, we wont have much time for testing.

We talked to Dylan and gave him all of the major audio assets we'll need for the game and wrote it down for him.

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